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Another hybrid enthusiast had heard that male hybrids were sterile while females were fertile and asked me what I had learned. Well I reached out to a few hybrid breeders to see how their male hybrids have done in their breeding projects.

Breeding different python species is not an easy task for a breeder. Many times the snakes just ignore each other. Exact results cannot be judged just yet as breeding hybrids is not as easy as breeding ball pythons or geckos. There are more variables and you never know what breeding preferences each snake will take towards. Keeping that in mind, here is what I have found.

The amazing blood to ball hybrid may have been the first example that python hybrids were not sterile. Roussis reptiles has bred blood to ball pythons several times and even bred them back to each other for the first F2 generation. He bred a bloodball hybrid male to a bloodball hybrid female for those F2 bloodball hybrids. This is example one of both male and female being fertile.


The next hybrid pairing that has been a big deal for hybrid fans is the burmball hybrid. The burmball hybrid was from an albino Burmese python bred to a ball python. Those hybrids were bred back to each other several times because technically they were het for albino. Recently a burmball male and a burmball female that were het for albino produced the first python hybrid morph.

Burmball albino

This albino burmball image is from http://www.crystalpalacereptiles.com/ and I would recommend checking them out.

A hybrid breeder in Germany wouldn’t let me use his pictures but he has informed me that he breeds Angryball hybrids (Angolan x Ball) from Angry ball to Angry ball. If this is true than we have yet another example of both the males and females of a hybrid being fertile. He did inform me that it has been a tricky project and took him a few years to get temps right for cooling as the hybrid as nothing like breeding Angolans or Balls. This breeder was found at www.Kewalskis-schlangenzucht.de

Have not found a breeder nor pictures but someone is claiming on several websites he has been breeding bateater to bateater for a few years in Canada. I have reached out to 13 breeders of bateaters just in Canada and none of them claim to be breeding bateater to bateater but with Jungle Burms and Jungle Retics we can assume that male bateaters are being used.

The last hybrid that I have had a response on are the carpondros. I have been told by many breeders that carpondro males and females will breed with other carpondros, carpets, and green trees very easily. Bill Stegall owns a carpondro where the father was in fact a hybrid as well. He has a great selection of pythons and I would recommend checking his website out at http://www.phoenixreptiles.net


As I get responses from breeders and get more facts I will visit this topic again. Many breeders could have a few issues preventing me from gathering 100% accurate data. Breeding hybrids is not easy to do, some of these hybrids could be sterile while some of them may be fertile. Again there are too many variables in this field for exacts.